
Showing posts from August, 2008

Ass Project Week Three

Here's Prof. J before coffee or comb. I gained two pounds last week and then lost them--leaving me even. I did, however lose 1/2 an inch on my waist and 1 inch on my hips. So that's progress, I guess.

Another Humorless Feminist Rant

Tropic Thunder opened in theaters today. It is a satire of adventure/war movies and self important actors starring Ben Stiller, Jack Black, and Robert Downey Jr. What's not to like? Plenty. This morning, when I was watching Good Morning America and drinking my coffee, Ben Stiller assured me that the frequent repetition of words like "retarded" and "retard" are meant to make fun of actors , not intellectually challenged people. I suppose I'm just too tight assed to "get it," Ben. When you use the word retarded to make fun of people, you are not making fun of actors. Retarded means "slow development." It is comparable to nigger, kike, or faggot when used as an insult. It's not funny. This is very much like the discussion we all had when Don Imus opened his big mouth one too many times. There are many people who are arguing that "political correctness" has robbed us of our sense of humor and made us a nation of uptight maiden ...

Heidi and Eoin

Heidi and her granddog Heidi is the kind of woman who makes you love women. We met when we were both undergraduate English majors in the 1990's--we were both "returning students." Heidi is one of those people who collect strays. All the strange little people in the English and Political Science departments buzzed around her like flies on a hot day. It was a little off-putting,to tell the truth. Heidi was one of the three smartest students in the department. We were all returning students--all odd ducks. And we weren't friends. Finally, one spring semester we were all in the same class. Fiction. Heidi and I were assigned to do a presentation and lead the class discussion on The Damnation of Theron Ware . Our professor later admitted that she thought we would both hate the novel and the process of working together. It was quite the opposite. We met one Saturday morning at 8:00 am at the IHop near the campus. We both loved the novel! We sat and talked until 2:00 about th...

Ass Project Week Two

Here I am. No different, I think. This is just before I worked out this morning. It was great! The diet is still my biggest problem. Send me will power vibes, will you?