Political Statements
One of my students was wearing this tee-shirt today. Of course, I am thrilled that any of my students shows an interest in politics, but this was an odd rhetorical statement.
My student is a VERY white young man with the tousled blondish hair of a snow boarder (which he is). He is very sweet. I am glad that a young white boy from a privileged background can identify with Obama, but it also could be read as a bad thing. It plays right in to the "Obama's not black enough" camp. I don't know how serious a problem that is, but I worry about it. Why was that my first thought when seeing my student in the shirt?
No matter. I could have kissed his ruddy cheeks this morning--I am so tired of hearing my students say they don't care--it was great to see evidence of the opposite.
Can I steal your bumper sticker idea?
Hillary Clinton, Ron Paul, Jesus Christ, Buddha...
It has nothing to do with race. Don't make it a race issue.