Half-assed PoMo

I have not posted every day this month. However, I have posted twenty-five times in nineteen days, so I don't think I will be drummed out of the corps. Nevertheless, I find the compunction to post daily is a bit onerous. (Can you tell I've been playing at freerice.com?)

So, I have put a new link in my side bar to replace NaBloPoMo. I have really enjoyed writing and reading more blogs. Indeed, I now have enough links to keep me away from work for hours at a time. Yea!

So here's to making it through November, my bloggy friends! I have great hopes that you won't all quit posting the moment the month is over.


Amysatx said…
Check out my blog! I've tagged you for a NaBloPoMo meme!
Tui Snider said…
Hear, hear, sister! I had to raid my harddrive for something I wrote ages ago for today's post. I certainly hope you keep blogging often. I dig yer blog! :)

I am totally punchy right now from too much transcription work today - the mind can only handle so many run-on sentences before something goes boing in one's brain! ;P
Mrs. G. said…
Well I will miss your daily posts, but I am going to be checking in on a regular basis.
Mary Alice said…
I never bothered to try really. But it has been fun to see things from others every day. Do what you can and be happy.
Karen Jensen said…
Not to worry, gals, it is unlikely I'll shut up anytime soon.
Groove Momma said…
I spend way too much time reading blogs as well. Yours is quite enjoyable!
JCK said…
I hear you feeling onerous about the daily posts. I think it is some sort of psychological torture NaBloPoMo does. Before November I was writing daily, but now I HAVE to. It is a challenge.

I'm so happy to find your blog through Mrs. G! I,too, love words. Always have. And, yes, although I'm spending more time than I should on the internet, it is all about reading the wonderful women writers out there. Including you!
JCK said…
P.S. Catchy Post title. :)
I'm so glad I ran into you on The Internets.

And I was just reading your profile.

Babette's Feast is one of my absolute favorite movies ever.

It's so...uncluttered.
Mrs. T said…
Oh, I love Babette's Feast, too!
I am really into the posting every day, for some reason. I think it helped that I put myself on a schedule, with a specific direction every day of the week. Before that, I was really not posting much at all. I am feeling this compulsion to live up to the challenge- unusual for me.
captain corky said…
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captain corky said…
25 times in 19 days aint bad! I think me and my wife have a record like that back when we first got married. Those were the days... ;)

Thanks for stopping by blog and I hope to see you often my new friend.
For myself, I'm thinking about nudging that garish yellow NaNoWriMo icon off my blog. I can't keep up with that event. I think I can hack NaBloPoMo for the remaining days, but it might get ugly.

I'm glad to have discovered your blog. I'll be a regular.
I am a little weary too. But I'll be around...
Tracy said…
i hear you, i had to resort, to writing my recipe, for one entry, and I've written a little too much about Mr. Bowflex.
Love that in your sidebar! I followed you here from Mental Mosaic and what fun I'm having :)

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