One disadvantage of the time change

This morning on my way out the door, I noticed that there was an empty rum bottle awaiting a trip to the recycling (which gets picked up on Monday). So I grabbed the bottle and walked to the curb just in time to be passed by a school bus. Stay in school, kids, and work hard! You, too may be able to drink lots of rum! Arrg.

I wonder, am I the only person who is embarrassed by her recycling bin? I wonder if the garbage men really care. . .


Hehe! Cute story, next time be sure to wear your eye patch and stuffed parrot shoulder attachment.

I haven't done this in Italy, but in the states, I would occasionally leave a full six pack and a thank you card on top of the garbage after a big holiday. Just seems like the garbage folk need a nice surprise every now and then.
Karen Jensen said…
That is the best idea I've ever heard! I'm doing that soon!
Janet said…
So THAT'S why the rum is always gone!
Mrs. G. said…
I have been known to shift the recycling bin contents around when family is coming for a visit. Hope the rum was an indication of fun times.
Mrs. T said…
We have bottle/can deposits in Iowa. It's awful when you let it all pile up and then take it to the very store where your students work and you have a cart full of empties. Most of the time I make my husband do it. Sometimes I just recycle. Even better, we just go across the rive and buy it in Illinois, where there is no deposit.

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