Final Exams
While my day time students find themselves stuck with the usual final exams, my evening students--who are adult returning students--get the special treatment. Our final exams are always at a local restaraunt featuring really good margaritas.
Seriously though, what a nice thing! You students must really enjoy and appreciate having you as a teacher.
Using My Words
I worked at a dental office once, where the dentist would save up the old gold from people's crowns, and use that to take the staff out for dinner and margaritas.
How've you been? Hope exams aren't stressing you out.
Thanks so much for stopping by my place with a hug! I appreciate it. Your blog is great, and I will be back... Unless you find me there in TX learning from you and holding out for my final & Tequila. :)
When you go to university in Idaho, they give you a small, boiled potato to keep you warm while you take final exams.