Sarah Palin: Quick and Dirty (the post, not the politician)

"The Democrats underestimate Palin at great risk." --Michele Norris (NPR)

We need to focus here, folks!

The stupid commentators (are you listening Bill Maher?) who joke about Palin's inability to lead because of her gender are working against us.

Focus on the record.

--Palin is against abortion even in the case of rape, incest, or the health of the mother. (Though perhaps it is acceptable to save the life of the mother.)

--Palin is for drilling for oil in delicate ecosystems.

--Palin said we "should not be afraid" of going to war with Russia over Georgia.

--Palin does not believe in evolution.

--Palin believes in "abstinence only" sex education.

--Palin says we should not ban assault rifles.

Is that not enough?

We can also look at the serious allegations that face Palin about abuse of power, nepotism, and book banning. And we can look at the truth (or lack there of) in some of her claims. The fact that she took the money for the "bridge to nowhere" and spent it elsewhere doesn't sound as good as "Thanks, but no thanks."

We cannot afford to be swayed by a folksy demeanor and a mean-spirited sense of humor.

I know I am preaching to the choir here, but we need to talk about this. We need to forget her appearance, her voice, her many children (all of which are fodder for the pundints--pro and con--and FOCUS ON HER RECORD.

There. I'm done yelling at you.

I know I once wrote that, as a life-long feminist, I was compelled to vote for a woman with a good platform (HC). But this woman has a platform I would vote against if she were a Labrador Retriever. And believe me, I loves me some labs.


Anonymous said…
I will never vote for Sarah Palin -- it doesn't matter about her gender, race, religion, or anything else. All that matters is that she is ignorant, uninformed and not someone who should be holding public office.
JessTrev said…
hear, hear, great post. as a mother, I think it is awfully dangerous and even counterproductive that folks are focusing so much on her life choices. much agreed -- focus on the scary record.
Anonymous said…
Oh, that you will be able to gather the forces and make sure that the McCain/Palin thing never, ever, ever happens!
(Formerly of Life after AC)
Gina said…
Yell away! I have done my own share of talking about Sarah Palin but I'm talking to brick walls. I'm stunned, truly, by the women I know who are so happy to crow "She speaks for me!" and who really mean it.
we_be_toys said…
Everything you said, sister!

I'm still having trouble thinking that anybody would think she was a good choice. It's insulting to all women that her gender is her biggest asset.

And you better lsiten up, ole Bill Maher, to the Professor!
Mrs. G. said…
I like labs too. You crack me up.
I thought a lab might sway you but you are fervent.


I wish there was more chatter about platforms, and less on personality.

I hear a lot of women that support Palin talk about how much they LIKE her.

It's been a very strange couple weeks.
Jodi Anderson said…
Indeed! Well said.

That woman scares the hell out of me and I honestly don't understand how ANYONE, male or female, can even think of voting for her.

Keep yelling, sister! The news needs to get out to the people who are blindly thinking of voting for McCain/Palin.
The whole thing is scaring the hell out of me.
I heard during the Gibson interview that Palin has said she makes an exception when the life of the mother is at stake ( not that I feel any more inclined to vote for the McCain ticket.

I tend to agree with political analysts who say Obama needs to hammer away at McCain and spend less time addressing Palin's credentials (or lack thereof). But for the rest of us? Bring it on.
anne said…
Oh this election is scary times indeed.

I'm just getting caught up on a lot of past posts so I wanted to add here that I love the Ass Project. Way to take control!
Sojourner said…
WOW! You must really not like her if even being a Lab wouldn't do it. I know you and your Labs!

Seriously, the woman is dumber than a bucket of hair. And I cannot even begin to imagine anyone finding her a good candidate. But some do. Scarey!!
Anonymous said…
God I agree wholeheartedly! When they continue to sling mud it only makes the case for them! And perhaps the New Yorker humor is lost on me again (like when they put that awful Obama in the white house caricature on the cover) but that article by George Saunders just making fun of her misses the point entirely. This isn't about making fun. This is about pointing out in plain language her myriad shortcomings, and the dangers of her beliefs.
She is a NIGHTMARE. I cannot believe that anyone could take her seriously. As Matt Damon says, "this is like a bad Disney movie..." The thought that she could actually become president terrifies me.

Claire B. said…
To paraphrase Amy Poehler-as-Hillary Clinton on SNL, I didn't want a woman president (or vice president) I wanted HILLARY for president (or vice president). For me, two things are unforgivable regarding Sarah Palin: book banning and overturning Roe v. Wade. Her lack of experience and her history of stretching truths, along with an apparent abuse of power are just icing on that cake.

I am often speechless as I watch this drama play out.
Mike Golch said…
I do not know which one scares me more mccain or her. we do not need a war hawk in the office nor do we need a fool as his vice president.
Scout said…
I am relieved the tide seems to be turning, and Obama's campaign is now ignoring her celebrity and focusing on the monumental issues at hand.

Keep preaching to the choir here—we all need to be reminded from time to time.
Fiesty Charlie said…
Amen! I am in the same choir as you!

Issues, baby, issues!
Anonymous said…
We are truly living in scary times!

Hope your move is going/went well.

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