I'm Just Part of the Gotcha Media with their concern about words

The other night, Susan and I were having a discussion about McCain and Palin and their liberal use of the word maverick.
I said that I rather resented the use of Maury Maverick's name by a couple of right-wing nuts. After all, among liberal Texans, especially liberal San Antonians, Maverick is a name that evokes some of the finest memories.
Susan hastened to inform me that a maverick is an unbranded cow or horse.
Yes, I said, but I'm sure it comes from the name Maverick first--at least that's what I've always heard.
Since all of this was pillow talk (aren't you guys jealous?), I waited until morning to look it up.
It turns out that we were both right and both a little bit off.
The word maverick does indeed stem from the men of the Maverick clan, but it comes from Samuel Maverick (Maury's grandfather) who was a signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence and a great liberal who, by the way, didn't brand his cattle. So an unbranded cow was often called Maverick's.
But just as I was getting ready to do some research about the Mavericks and write a scathing post, Charles Karel Bouley at Huffington beat me to it.
I posted the "Maverick" TeeVee theme song on my blog the day after the Biden/Palin debates. James Garner is a screaming liberal, too, you know. :)
Gawd. If I hear him say "my friends" one more time I really AM going to throw up.
Yeah...I had nothing good to add to the conversation.
Hey! I can see Portugal from my house!
I attended a party last night and shared this newfound tidbit with a few folks.
Thanks for making me look so good! :)