Rest in Peace Michael

I don't know why Michael's death moves me so. Perhaps because we are the same age. Perhaps because I grew up watching him grow up. Whatever. He was a brilliant and talented and somehow damaged man, and I am sorry that he is gone.


Mike Golch said…
I enjoyed some of his music.Reast In Peace Michael and Farrah as well.
Jen on the Edge said…
He had such a gift and yet it was completely overshadowed by the darker events in his life.
JCK said…
It's been sad to follow him in the news for the last decade. And sadder today that he is gone.
Jodi Anderson said…
Thank you. This is one of the most fitting blog posts that I have seen about MJ so far.

I don't know what else to say except that I echo your sentiments, and that I felt this the only blog post worth commenting on regarding the subject.

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apathy lounge said…
It bothered me, too. I know he had problems and if, in fact, he did hurt his accusors in ANY WAY then he absolutely deserves the shaming that comes his way. That said, I can compartmentalize his genius. I put that in a different box where the shadow of his tarnished self cannot cast a shadow. One part of him deserves all the veneration he gets and another part deserves, if not pity...then reproach for his enablers. I know they were legion.

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