I Posted Grades Today!


Susan Carlin said…
I don't know if it's out FOREVER... (you do have an evening class to teach tomorrow), but I know your shoulders are 3 inches lower and you're breathing more deeply now. Good work and Congratulations!
Mrs. G. said…
Yippee! Even if School is only out for the summer, that's good enough for me!
Anonymous said…
I just got an adjunct teaching role for the summer, so I guess school is IN for me.
Claire B. said…
Fantastic! I'm on my way with chocolate croissants.

(Funny, I said the same thing to Mrs. G. today. Who knew it would be an appropriate response in so many sitations?)
Mary Alice said…
I know I was doing the happy dance this week too....I feel sorry for all of you that have to grade and read stacks of drivel!
Is that what life is like in the teacher's lounge?
Peggy Sez.. said…
Alice Cooper...Oh my.Good times Good times. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Bring on the long summer days and the iced tea by the lake!
K. said…
Alice Cooper on the Muppets - it doesn't get much better than that. :P Congrats!
Sojourner said…
WOOHOOO!!!! Yay! So glad to hear it. Loved Alice Cooper and the Muppets.
Heather said…
I just finished the paper of doom. I feel you!
Love this! I am sharing your groove!! I finished reading research papers at 9 pm last night. At 3 pm one wayward student's last assignment is due and I can hit 'send' on those grades. But I FEEL done, that five minute task aside!!!
Anonymous said…
Enjoy the freedom!!

(Alice so irritates me since he went all Republican. Yuck.)
JCK said…
Yeah, yeah, YEAH! Doing a happy dance for you!!
Mrs. G. said…
Where oh where is Prof. J? I'm missing her.
Mrs. T said…
go ahead, rub it in.....

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