I'm Voting Republican Because


JCK said…
I love this video! I saw it before and I'll see it again. ;)

Oh, and when I saw the title of your post on my new linkage on my side bar...well, I was frightened. Breathing better now...
Allmycke said…
Like jck, I did a double-take when I saw the title. Also breathing better now...
Garrison Keiller says he may turn Republican because it's just so much easier not to have to think!
Claire B. said…
Doh! You got me, Prof. J. I almost had a heart attack when I saw this post's title. Love the message and the clever way it is presented!
Anonymous said…
If some of my family members saw this on my site they would be going balistic. they would say I'm attacking them personally.
me I got a huge kick out of it.thanks for putting this up.
Big time Hugs and god's blessings from my home to your home.That's my atory and you can bet your bottom dollar that I'm sticking to it.
P.S. Original said…
Oooh, nicely done! This is why my husband(republican) is sleeping on the sofa until the election is over....
Biggie-Z said…
Found you through Bipolar Lawyer Cook's site... I saw this video a couple weeks ago and it is just as funny the 3rd time around. (Had to watch it twice the first time).

"If the label says it's food, that's good enough for me."

LawyerChick (aka involuntary right-hander)
Jenn, I saw a bumper sticker, one of my faves: Vote Republican. Its easier than thinking.
TeacherDee said…
This is great. I'll show it to my husband--a recovering Republican.
Sojourner said…
The title of your post scared me!! I thought you had surely flipped your fuzzy lid! Interesting video.
Mrs. T said…
I thought you'd crossed over as well,what a relief!
This was hilarious! Loved it!
Anonymous said…
LOVE this. And, it's a bit scary, really.

(Oh, please let this next election turn it around. Please! Please)!...

is what my mantra is, as of late...
Anonymous said…
I wish this wasn't so true so often. I'm with Ophelia Rising. It is a bit scary.

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