Actual Student Sentence

Most of the time the female is insecure about herself and thinks having sex with the most popular guy in school will make her feel better about herself and will not make her feel like a social leopard.

--I cannot make this stuff up.


Jen on the Edge said…
You know, that is true. I've never wanted to feel like a social leopard.

So I'm guessing the author was of the male species?
Mike Golch said…
there are guys that way as well.
Nobody wants to be a social leopard.
Zenmomma said…
Personally, I would much rather feel like a social cougar.
Sojourner said…
So what's wrong with leopards, already? They are beautiful animals, after all. :)

By the way, I love your new header- with the sweet baby sea turtles.

PS- where are my pictures?
Mrs. G. said…
That's my new t-shirt: Social Leopard.

Now here's a question: what do you write in the margins? There is so much here to address.
Magpie said…
Ooh, a social leopard, huh? I like Mrs. G's suggesting - t-shirts all around.
So now we have social leopards and cougars. Cat women rule!

I'll take a t-shirt if somebody's ordering.

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