Returning to my place

Well, what do ya know?

I wasn't sure I'd ever come  back to the old place, but I kept it around to function as an archive of my old writing.

And here I am wanting to write again. And wanting to write about things that aren't necessarily photography related. So here I am.

Boy howdy, it's dusty in here. I'll be sweeping out some cobwebs and changing things here and there. Let me know if there's anything I can do to make you comfortable. Would you like something to drink? Water? Coffee?


The Other Laura said…
Hey Karen! Blow off the dust and jump back in!
smalltownme said…
It's still a good place.
Tanith said…
Chai. Whole milk with lots of dense foam.

Good to see you here again!
Karen Jensen said…
Thanks for the welcome back, gals. Bud I don't have a foamer, Tanith, you'll have to settle for warm milk.
Welcome back--sometimes Facebook isn't quite enough, no?
we_be_toys said…
I just came back recently myself, to blogging. Mostly to document the process of getting ready for an art show in September, but also, because, well, because I kind of missed it. Good to see you back as well!

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