New Toy!

But mine's pink.

This little guy takes thirty minutes of video and plugs right into the computer for downloading! Plus, the video isn't half bad! Me likey.


Sojourner said…
what a cool toy! Great little clip of Morgan!
I've been wondering about these. I want to buy one for my step son. And maybe one for me :)
Anonymous said…
Very cute toy!
Tui Snider said…
Oooh, the Easter Bunny was kind to you! That looks like a blast. [drool]

I like your new header and slogan, too! :)
Sojourner said…
Ohhh! The bluebonnets are gorgeous! Nice header.
Scout said…
Oh, how fun! I want one, but I probably just use it to film my cats fighting or licking themselves, and who wants to see that?
Karen Jensen said…
I want to see that!
we_be_toys said…
A new toy - what fun!
I love your new title picture - its very spring-ey!
Anonymous said…
What a cool gadget! Given the choice between orange or pink, I still think I'd go with the orange. But that's just me.
CC said…
My mom got one of those for Christmas! She likies (sp??) too!
Way cool. Technology is just gorgeous.
Mary Alice said…
Cool....and by the way I love your blue bonnet header!
JCK said…
That looks SO fun. I'm still working on getting a simple digital camera...

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