While I was sleeping
I was reading one of my favorite blogs the other day, and I was struck by my friend BipolarLawyerCook's list of things to do in life. One of the "things" was "Look for something beautiful everyday." I thought that she was so right--it is essential that we remember that the world is a wonderful place and we celebrate beauty wherever we see it.
This isn't too hard for me to do on a regular basis. I live in a beautiful home in a beautiful city; I live with two beautiful women, two beautiful dogs, a beautiful cat. I live a life I love, and I am surrounded by art--Susan's and other people's. What's not to find beautiful? But sometimes I get a special treat.
Susan goes to sleep later than I. Of course, she gets up some two hours after I do, but she also seems to be able to get by on much less sleep than I require. Anyway, I often get up at five and she has done lovely things. She'll have cleaned the kitchen, or posted on her blog, or, on special mornings, she'll have created some art.
This morning I stumbled into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee, and on the counter was a lovely pencil drawing of an old fan that's in the living room. It is so sweet to be able to look at something I see everyday through the loving eyes of an artist--especially this artist. It is such a privilege to see things anew.
That's what art does for me--visual, literary, musical--it allows me to see the beauty and the glory and even the horror in this world through other eyes. I am such a lucky woman.
This isn't too hard for me to do on a regular basis. I live in a beautiful home in a beautiful city; I live with two beautiful women, two beautiful dogs, a beautiful cat. I live a life I love, and I am surrounded by art--Susan's and other people's. What's not to find beautiful? But sometimes I get a special treat.
Susan goes to sleep later than I. Of course, she gets up some two hours after I do, but she also seems to be able to get by on much less sleep than I require. Anyway, I often get up at five and she has done lovely things. She'll have cleaned the kitchen, or posted on her blog, or, on special mornings, she'll have created some art.
This morning I stumbled into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee, and on the counter was a lovely pencil drawing of an old fan that's in the living room. It is so sweet to be able to look at something I see everyday through the loving eyes of an artist--especially this artist. It is such a privilege to see things anew.
That's what art does for me--visual, literary, musical--it allows me to see the beauty and the glory and even the horror in this world through other eyes. I am such a lucky woman.

Loved this focus on the beautiful things in life.
And as lucky as you feel to be surrounded by beauty and loving people, I feel sure they are aware of their own luck in having you there, spreading your own beauty!