My New Blog!

I have decided to begin a new blog with a new service in order to broaden my audience.

After all, if I think I have something important enough to say, perhaps it is important enough to have an audience beyond the two or three people who read my old blog on yahoo.

So, here I am at the University of Texas San Antonio (hence the road runner [our mascot]).

I am teaching two sections of Composition I and two sections of Composition II. At the University of the Incarnate Word, I am teaching one section of Composition I and two sections of World literature. It is a FULL schedule. I was thinking about it this morning, and I realized that I am teaching approximately one hundred sixty (160) students.

I remember once pontificating to someone that CLEARLY High School teachers could not teach writing well because NO ONE could teach writing well to one hundred fifty students. Oops. Sometimes you should be careful what you say. Now I get the opportunity to find out if it is possible to teach this many students and to actually teach.

So, what do you think, my academic friends? Is it possible? Do you have any pointers?


Susan Carlin said…
Ahem. I'm not one of your academic friends, but wanted to let you know I like your new blog. And, of course you can teach that many students well. I know this because I know you, and I know you focus on each person well, and I know you care. So what if I'm blatantly biased?
Good going! And take care of yourself as you go.
Anonymous said…
Yeah! What Susan said.
Karen Jensen said…
Thanks gals. I guess I should not have specified "academic" friends.
Unknown said…
It is VERY hard work teaching - especially online - so I won't be too hard on you as a student! My husband teaches online and he is busier than he ever thought with all the papers to read, grading to do, using different delivery systems, etc. Just make sure you are in contact with the students expeditiously and post discussions with them because your boss looks out for those things in the online classroom...

P.S. I still hate reading Shakespeare!


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