Yet another reminder that I am a "woman of a certain age"

Dateline: San Antonio

I get on to the elevator this morning with a striking blond woman of, say, 35-50 years of age. We smile shyly. She makes eye contact and says--not, "what do you teach?" --or even, "lousy weather we're having, isn't it?"

She says, "I am having the damnedest time getting used to my bifocals."

Oh yeah. Conversation in the elevators has changed.

I'm old.


Anonymous said…
Too funny. I was in the elevator the other day with a really attractive mid-30s woman and smiled at her-- she smiled back, adjusted the caterwauling toddler on her hip, and said, "I should have made her have to baby." I love Massachusetts.
Very funny. No flirting stories but...
can I tell you what happened to me last week?

Well... I was working away minding my own beeswax when suddenly I felt kind of dizzy and weird and all the blood went from the centre of my body into my head. And I blurted out to my (male) boss... "I think I'm having a stroke... I think I'm having a stroke!" and then I started pulling at my clothes and fanning myself and my face turned beet red and, well, there you have it. My first hot flash.


we_be_toys said…
You know what happens next, on the long descent down into aging? You start to compare illnesses and surgeries. Oh and there's the whole fart as you go thing...
Woman, thy name is Glamour!
Anonymous said…
I swear my arm is getting longer from all that stretching I do trying to read the damn, ubiquitous small print.
Anonymous said…
What a coincidence. Just today I was looking at the whiteboard at school thinking, "Damn, I need bifocals." I'm not old yet, but I'm getting there.
Claire B. said…
AAAACCCCKKKK! Sweet Jebus. We are right there with you, honey. My recent trip to the eye doctor resulted in no bifocals for me, and he COULD NOT BELIEVE IT. Over and over he exclaimed that I really SHOULD need them, and I will SOON, oh yes I will, but not just yet. He marveled at the ability of my eye muscles to switch their focus. "Amazing, really, for someone your age." Thanks. Really. Jackass.

So how did I turn this into a post?
Zenmomma said…
I am right there with ya, Prof J! Let's go git us something purple to wear.

Love your new header!
Mrs. G. said…
Oh, Professor J, don't you know "I am having the damndest time getting used to my bifocals" is code for you have an amazing ass. She was totally checking you out...with her bifocals.
Anonymous said…
I went out last week to a birthday lunch with a group of girls ranging in age form 40-46 (I was the oldest). Topics of conversation ranged from bifocals, adult acne, wrinkles, things we can eat that don't give us gas, etc. Fun times... Totally with you.
anne said…
I thought I needed bifocals but it just turned out that my contacts were too strong. Yay! One more pair of glasses I don't have to lose!
JCK said…
Too funny! I've been using reading glasses for a year now. Still in denial that I need them...
Mike Golch said…
Well I'm supposed to use computer glasses when I'm on the computer,but I don't.
as far as feeling old,old is a state of mind over matter,if you don't mind it din't matter.( A greatful 56 year young said that)

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