My Favorite Things

This post could be subtitled, "Giving in to peer pressure." O.K. there has been no pressure, but I see all the cool kids playing, and I feel a little left out.

What is all the fuss about?

Mrs. G.,over at Derfwad Manor , has invited all of her bloggy friends to post a list of their favorite things.

So here goes.

1. Folk music. I love all sorts of music, but my latest favorite, and the accompaniment to every evening meal at my house is The Weepies.

Aren't they sweet? I just wish they'd release a new album!





4. The Guadalupe River (Though Susan will ask if it is the Frio)

5. Coffee. O.K. , there should be something in the cup, but what can I say? I drank it.

6. Poetry. Especially

Emily Dickinson
7. Sweet people.

Grandmother and Momma

Morgan and Susan


Mrs. G. said…
I love your list and I went in and added you to the original narrative. It just wasn't the same without you. Have a great weekend.
I love how you used pictures for your list. Well done.

And thanks for stopping by my blog!
Mary Alice said…
Folk music, coffee and sweet people - we're on the same page.
The picture of your Mama and your Grandma - beautiful. And I love that the dog is Alice....which reminds me I wish I had put up my dogs too. Maybe we will do Favorite Fridays again. I have thought of lots of other favorites since I posted. Like seat warmers. Love seat warmers.
Gina said…
What a great list! I too like the use of pictures instead of words. Nice touch!
JCK said…
Hey you look fun, too. :)

I loved how in your profile under favorite books you put, "Are you kidding me?" And I love Joni Mitchell. Do you know Robin & Linda Williams' music? They are regulars/folk singers on Prairie Home Companion.

I'm intrigued. I'll be back.
Tui Snider said…
Hehe! I especially love the label "embarrassing revelations." Those are always the best, aren't they? Everyone else just finds them endearing, after all. :)
Mark A. said…
Because I could not stop for Death
He kindly stopped for me
The carriage held but just ourselves
and Immortality.

Dickinson FTW.

Such pretty puppies.

Hmmm, now if only I had some pictures of our puppy....I guess I need to go take some.
Irish Goddess said…
I love the picture of your grandma and mom. They look so playful.
Laura said…
It seems we share a lot of favorite things! You're animal friends are just beautiful.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leading me here. I enjoy your blog very much. And, I enjoy folk music, too, so thanks for introducing me to a new group. I will definitely check them out.
Lovely post, and what lovely babies you have :)

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